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10 Pet Poisons That Need To Be Avoid At All Costs

Animal lovers know and understand that there are pet poisons that need to be avoid at all costs. Once you have a pet home you’ll love and protect him as it was your child.

However It’s no news that pets just like children want to touch and try everything they see. That is why it is important to always keep an eye on them, cause they might swallow something poisonous and put their life in danger.

We made a list with 10 pet poisons for you to watch out and keep them away from their reach.

#1 Human medications is the number one poison for pets.

#2 Insecticides are extremely toxic. When you need to use them to fight ticks, fleas and other bugs make sure they are safe products and animal friendly.


#3 Certain people food like grapes, chocolate, macadamia nuts, garlic etc are toxic to dogs and cats.

#4 Rodenticides is a poison used to kill rats. The problem is it will have the same effect on any mammal, so you better think it twice before buying and using rodenticides at home when having pets around.

#5 Veterinary medication when taken on overdose can have some really strong side effects.

#6 Some plants we keep at home like azalea, sago palm, lilies etc can be poisonous when ingested by pets. ONLY HAVE SAFE PLANTS FOR YOUR PETS

#7 Chemical Hazards are among the chemicals pets are most likely to get into. Make sure to keep them out of their sight.

#8 Household Clears contain toxic chemicals and are very dangerous if ingested.

#9 Heavy Metals. If your pet chews on doors and furniture containing these paints may suffer permanent damage, so watch out.

#10 Fertilizers. Try to make them inaccessible to pets. That is not a hard thing to do.


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