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10 Pets are already wishing for this Christmas season to finally end

Christmas is possibly one of the happiest and most joyful times of the year for many people.. Normally this time should the most happiest time of the year. The joy, bright lights, delicious homemade meals, decorations, presents and so on, make even the grumpiest persons feel loved and excited.

But apparently Christmas in not for every one. In this article we gathered a list of pets that are already wishing for this Christmas season to finally end.

#1 Someone is not in the mood to pose for the holiday photo with the stocking cap on.

#2 Now this hilarious…The things you have to put up even during the holidays with when you are the owner of a cat.

#3 When your dog is not feeling as joyful and excited as you are during the Christmas season.

#4 When you wake up in the Christmas morning and your cat has ripped open all the presents under the tree…

#5 Hah…Look how disappointed this pooch is when he got just a festive sweater for Christmas. I wonder what was he expecting to get instead.

#6 The struggle pet owners go through until they get the perfect shot for the Christmas card.

#7 Although this face has so much anger going on, you can’t help but love that adorable fluffy face with the Christmas themed clips.

#8 Trying to take an adorable photo with your dog, to post it on social media for the holidays.

#9 When your cat not wait for all this holy jolly Christmas to end.

#10  When act wants the bed, she takes the bed even when the Baby Jesus is on it.

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