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15 Dog Breeds That Shed the Worst

Dog Breeds That Shed the Most

This dogs are really cute but there is a problem for all people who live in apartments. Shedding time never ends. Also, some of these dogs might be a problem for people who have pet allergies. Here we have a list of top 15 worst dog shedding. These breeds in this article are not listed by the amount of shedding they have.

#1 Akita.

#2 American Eskimo.

Dog Shedding

#3 Bernese Mountain Dog.

#4 Chihuahua.

#5 Chow Chow.

#6 Dalmatian.

#7 Golden Retriever.

#8 Great Pyrenees.

#9 Keeshond.

#10 Newfoundland.

#11 Pomeranian.

Image Credit: The Happy Puppy Site

#12 Samoyed. 

#13 Siberian Husky.

#14 German Shepherd. 

#15 Alaskan Malamute.

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