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21 Dogs That Fail At Being Dogs

As we know life is not easy and apparently dogs can have a hard time too. Some are naturals at learning skills and being dogs while others…well it is a constant struggle to say the least. The photos below speak more than words could ever say.

#1 This cute puppy has no clue how to drink water. And one would think that dogs are all about leaking.

#2  Hmm to sit or not to sit…this is the question!

#3 Well he definitely is trying to hard…

#4- This little guy got stocked but at least he catched it, that counts right?

#5- He’s like: -You are annoying, just stop it…seriously again?

#6- this pup thinks he is a toodler. He needs to play out more…

#7- Well someone is playing hide and seek, and seems dam serious about it.

#8- It looks like this Labrador has zero interest on being a dog right know.

#9-Looks like he found a new spot to rest. Lets hope he does not fall down stairs meanwhile.

#10-We saw how he goes down stairs. I am curious to know how he goes up.

#11- He is showing off he’s acrobatic skills. Keep up those moves buddy!

#12-Surprisingly..they seem to get alone quite fine with one another.

#13-Apparently the rules are changing. Are they friends know?

#14- This huge curly puppy has gotten way to comfortable.

#15-It seems he does not want the sun to catch his precious face.

#16-The window is on your left buddy…

#17- This dog is hopeless. Let’s hope the view is worth it.

#18-He is trending here, showing that belly rubs can be enjoyed even while sitting.

#19-It is not working cutie…I can still see your head if hidding is what you are trying here.

#20-I think he is catching his breath the best way possible from all that walking in the sun.

21-Oh my…what we got here! A dog that loves bathing hmm…


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