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9 Reasons Why My Dog Is My Valentine

Often times when I discuss with friends about unconditional love I happen to talk about my dogs because My Dog Is My Valentine. PETA said: “For everyone who’s “in love” with a furry, four-legged canine, let’s take a moment to reflect on why we’re so crazy about our dogs this Valentine’s Day.”

Valentine’s Day is a time when people love and value the most loved ones in their lives. However, not in every case your most beloved person is a human, he can be a dog who deserves your love more than anyone else. Valentine’s Day is a holiday to show your love to someone special, and your dog certainly should be that special someone.

These photos below proves that our four-leg friend can be the best valentine.

My Dog Is My Valentine

#1 He just loves me unconditionally

#2 He never complains for the programs I watch on TV

#3 My dog always loves to cuddle

#4 My dog always loves my cooking

#5 My dog helps me clean up spills in the kitchen.

#6 My dog never says NO for a long walk on the beach

#7 My dog never says NO for a nap

#8 My dog never steals the cover at night

#9 My dog is always happy when I come back home


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