When a tiny fox cub got himself trapped in a drain pipe in Cooden Beach, East Sussex, England, its mother could do nothing to save it. The baby fox could not get out of it, and it looked like there was no way to get out. The good news is that an animal rescue came to help him out while the anxious mother was watching them from a distance.
The mother was really anxious because she didn’t know whether her baby was alive or not, was he going to survive, were they going to save him? I mean all these questions must have bumped into her head because she is a mother…
“At first we were unsure where the cub was as there were multiple pipes leading in different directions,” said one of the rescuers Chris Riddington. “We used a mobile phone to film inside the pipes…We were amazed that the vixen turned up whilst we were trying to find the cub and it was almost as if she knew we were trying to rescue her cub.”
It took a few hours to get the fox cub out of the drain pipe, but they managed to do it successfully. The little cub was OK health wise. He was only soaking wet and dirty, so he had to be bathed and cleaned back at the rescue.
“As if the rescue hadn’t been amazing already, within minutes of us returning mum appeared and walked straight over to a pet carrier which we had placed the cub in,” Chris added. “With some help from mum he managed to climb out and mum escorted him back home again. It was unbelievably emotional for all of us.”
Enjoy the video below, and please do not forget to share!!
Source: BoredPanda