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These Best Friends Stopped Eating After Being Separated At The Shelter

This is that kind of story that fills your heart and leaves you heartbroken at the same time. The two best friends had been living with each other for years at the shelter and can not bare the idea of being away from each other.

Even dogs know how to create special bonds with one another for a lifetime. So it is imaginable why it might be so hard for them to separate.Both of them were dropped off at the same period of time at the shelter. And since then they have been inseparable.

Eventually after many years they were obliged to separate. But these left the two pups feeling miserable.

They stopped eating and would spent the day crying. They made a good point on how important it was for them to stay together.

Seeing their reaction the stuff realized they were acting that way because they missed each other and so they decided to reunite them again. Now both of the six years olds, Chow as well as Goofy are now back together and feeling much better.

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