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Canadian family rescued abandoned puppy, but it isn’t really a puppy

A Canadian family were stunned to find a sickly puppy had been abandoned by either its mother or owner by Marsh Lake in Yukon over Easter Weekend. The newborn “pup” was just one week old. When wildlife officials tried to find a surrogate mother for the animal, they discovered that it wasn’t actually a dog. At first, it was believed that it might be an otter or even a wolverine.

Now, since the animal has had more time to develop, officials think it’s a fox because of a white tip at the top of its tail, which is an early development pattern of young foxes. “it’s that time of year, if you think you’ve found orphaned wildlife in most cases mother is very close by and just waiting for you to leave.

We try to tell people, please do not pick up any orphaned wildlife. Since the little animal has been fostered by humans, it won’t be released into the wild anytime soon, but will instead be raised in a wildlife sanctuary. But whether it is a dog or fox or anything else, it still is too cute and adorable.

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