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Excited wolf dogs welcome their mommy in the most amazing way…

excited wolf dogs welcome their mommy

If you guys have thought until today that domestic dogs react big time when they see you getting home after a long day of work, then you need to watch the following footage ASAP. In this video you will be able to see the reaction of two excited wolf dogs when their mommy is back home ready to spend some time with them. I could have never imagined that these pooches would have the react that they have. They are far too excited, and they start a little competition with each-other on who gets to greet, hug and kiss mommy first.

It is amazing to see that these creatures are so loving, and so in desperate need for attention and love. Now I am convinced that dogs need love. they must have love because to them getting love is like eating food. It keeps their spirit, soul, and mind alive. The funniest part is watching when one of the wolf dogs is hugging mommy, and the other impatient one stands there howling as if he is saying: “Come on now buddy. It is my turn to hug, and kiss, and love mommy.!” but of course the dog won’t listen and he doesn’t even react the the protest of his fellow wolf dog. Enjoy the video, and share if you think it is the cutest thing you have ever seen from wolf dogs.

Excited wolf dogs welcome their mommy in the most amazing way…
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