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These 10 Pictures Prove That Foxes Are Extremely Loving Creatures

These 10 Pictures Prove That Foxes Are Extremely Loving Creatures

A very talented Dutch photographer named Roeselien Raimond is well known because she can take stunning photos of wild foxes. For Valentine’s day she agreed to give exclusive interview for one of the biggest websites for the moment.

During this interview the photographer opened up about foxes. She shared with everyone the great experiences she has had, and what does she think about Foxes. I can assure you that after reading to what she has to say about Foxes in the following 10 pictures, then you will change your opinion about Foxes 100%. I hope you enjoy as much as I did…

1- First the photographer wanted to let everybody know that Foxes are very loving animals.

Foxes Are Loving Creatures

2- She says that people don’t know foxes for what they really are.  To her foxes are everything but deceitful and mean creatures, and she wants everyone to get that!

Foxes Are Loving Creatures

3- The photographer herself did not know that foxes could be loving and caring, until she started following them in their real habitat.

4- She continues to say that while following them, she thought that foxes much have a middle name and that must be LOVE…

5- They love to cuddle, share the love between them, and to get one another’s attention.

6- And if you see them licking one another’s coat, that means that they are dedicating their time, and love to the other creature. Personally I think that that is so sweet.

7- Foxes live in packs. They live all together; mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins and so on. What a happy community they must be right?

8- The way foxes interact with one another shows so much about the way they handle their friendship/relations. It is like they want to prove everyone wrong. They are not mean.

9- Besides being loving and caring, foxes are very smart animals.

10- Definitely these creatures do understand that LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED!!!

Source: Boredpanda

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