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This is what happens when a 10-week puppy fights a wolf… OH MY

You are wondering what happened to the 10-week old puppy who is trying to fight the Wolf, and I can tell you that the outcome is far more surprising than you ever thought. But before you jump into conclusions, allow me to introduce you the “contestants” and their information.

So in the following “fight” we will see two extremely different “contestants.” The first one is Smokey, the 7 year old 137 lbs wolf, and Charlie, the 10-weeks old 20 lbs German Shepherd. What these two have in common is a really rare characteristic: they both LOVE to play. I mean how much better can an unusual friendship get right? The reason I used the term “fight” is because the way these two play looks like a fight or something. The best thing is yet to come though.

You all might be thinking who the winner of this game is, but I have to STOP you! I know that logics could make us think that the wolf is the strongest, the biggest, therefore the winner, but it is not. You have to carefully watch the video, and only then will you truly understand the fighter in Charile.

The 10-week old German Shepherd is giving his all to win this very interesting game. He is charismatic, so hyper, therefore he kinda wins this game. The fighter in him, is huger than he will ever be, and that is a considerable fact. For more info I will let you all enjoy the amazing playtime these two adorable animals are having.

Source: Viralnova

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