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Helpless Puppy Had Nowhere To Go, So He Found Warmth In A Nativity Scene’s Manger

Helpless Puppy

Just the though that there are countless dogs out there starving, living with scraps and sleeping on the streets break my heart in million pieces. Whether is raining, snowing the sidewalks and street corners have become their home.

In this article we have gone back in time, to bring the heartwarming story and bring hope to many others that have been in the same shoes as this puppy.

During holiday seasoning, back in 2008, Christmas gave hope to a helpless pup that had no where to go. And so a nativity scene manger became his shelter those cold winter days.

When people approached the scene were surprised seeing a German Shepherd pup laid dow next to the baby Jesus sleeping peacefully.

Heres a closer up look of the pup. Here we can see clearly how the pup has rolled in the crib with the baby Jesus trying to stay warm. Soon after a crowd was formed as all were left stunned by the scene.

Helpless Puppy Had Nowhere To Go, So He Found Warmth In A Nativity Scene’s Manger

For the ones that did not witness the event on first hand, some photos were captured for all the community to see. Since the photos and his story went viral at the time, we suppose that someone stepped forward and adopted the little homeless guy.

During this cold days people need to be closer together, expressing their love to their family members and competitions to the ones who need it the most. Be kind to one another.

Helpless Puppy Had Nowhere To Go, So He Found Warmth In A Nativity Scene’s Manger

Source: InspireMore

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