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5 ways to show your dog how much you love him

This week is National Dog Week, a week to appreciate our dogs and the attachment that we have with him. Here we have 5 ways in which we can show our love to our dogs.

#1- Spend more time with your dog every day this week
What your dog wants more than anything else is you. This is the reason that we call them “man’s best friend”. Spend time with your dog by doing several activities like playing games together or just walking together.

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#2- Look into classes that will keep his mind and body active.
A dog that expresses himself by exercise is a happy dog. Dogs that are trained and exercise every day learn how to use their talents and they avoid becoming over excited. AKC offers a list of activities for your dog and you to enjoy together.

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Spent time with your dog, show how much you love him..

#3- Throw a dog party!
Dogs are natural social beings so why not? They love to play with other dogs and socialized. So try to make a party with all your pet’s best buddies. They are going to love it!

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#4- Volunteer your time with a local club, rescue, or other organization that helps dogs.
Think about that! Offering our help to other dogs we can find a simple way to say “thank you” to our dog and show them our love.

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#5- And there’s always good old swag
If you do not have time to make something special for your dog he is not going to complain to you about that. You could buy him some a new treat (check out our previous article about the delicious treats).

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National dog day is once per a year and I think our dogs deserve all our attention and love!

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