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10 Adorable pictures of dogs acting like humans!

Because we take our dogs whenever we go, loos like dogs have started acting like humans do! In this post you will see 10 beautiful pictures of different dogs, acting exactly like humans do! Please do not take them seriously, they are captured from these dog’s owners, just for fun! Enjoy the show!
1- Not only human’s need that morning Starbucks energy! Apparently this cutie acts like humans do! He needs his Starbucks, in order to start his day properly!

2- Just like humans, this dog is crushing at his desk after that lunch break! It is afternoon, and looks like the perfect time to take a nap right?

3- Laundry day is such an exhausting day for dogs also! See this little ball of fur? Well he is not feeling ready yet to start his long-laundry-day! Take a deep breath, and start whenever you feel like it buddy!

4- Just like humans, this beautiful pup right here is trying to fit everything in a carry-on; even though she knows that it is way too much! Paying that extra luggage is way to expensive right?

5- Just like humans do, this adorable Husky is reading during his weekend! Well he has to catch at some point, so maybe this is the perfect time!

6- It is hard to handle all the meeting in a work day! The last one is always the perfect one to take a nap. Right buddy?

7- Just like humans, dogs enjoy a cozy-lazy night with Netflix. I mean there is no better way to have the perfect night in!

8- This buddy apparently stayed up way too late last night! Well today he can’t stand at his feet because he needs a few more hours of sleep!

9- Just like humans, dogs apparently clip coupons before heading to the grocery store.

10- Like humans, dogs like to match their best-friend sometimes with pink hair!

Source: DogVacay

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