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This is why these 10 dogs hold a Guinness World Record…

Today I want to share with you some pretty interesting dogs who hold a Guinness World Record. Each one of the 10 dogs holds a Guinness World Record for a specific physical feature, or talent that they have. In the following 10 pictures you will get introduced with the tallest dog, the dog who has the largest tongue, the smallest dog alive, the oldest dog alive and so on so forth. Enjoy the interesting Guinness World Record holders, and share if you think these creatures are far too amusing…
#1- Tallest dog in the world- Zeus, and he’s the tallest dog in recorded history. He’s a 44 inch (1.1 meter) tall Great Dane – and that’s just when he’s on all fours.


#2- Smallest living dog (height)- This is little Milly the Chihuahua clocking in at just 3.8 inches (9.65cm) fully grown.


#3- Smallest living dog (length)- This is the other half of the smallest dog award and it is a 6 inch (15cm) long chihuahua Brady.


#4- Longest tongue on a dog- The one who takes the world record for longest tongue is Puggy the Pekingese. Her licker is 4.5 inches (11.43cm) long.

#5- Longest ears on a dog- The record for longest ears on a living dog is held by Harbor (pictured above), who has a 12.25 inch (31.1 cm) left ear and a 13.5 in (34.3cm) right ear.

#6- Most tennis balls hold in the mouth- Augie the golden retriever managed to hold 5 regulation size tennis balls in her mouth back in 2003.

#7- Fastest 100m with a can balanced- Australian Shepherd/Border Collie cross Sweet Pea managed the feat in two minutes and 55 seconds.

#8- Fastest 30m on a scooter- Norman managed to complete a 30m run in 20.77 seconds back in 2013, making him the fastest scootering pooch in the world.

#9- Oldest living dog- (Not the one in this picture) Australian cattle-dog named Bluey, who was over 29 years old. He started work with sheep and cows as a puppy in 1910 and kept on going until 14 November 1939.

#10- Loudest Dog- He let out the loudest yelp ever recorded at a massive 113.1 decibels. That’s about as loud as a jackhammer.

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