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10 Easiest Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Training your puppy is always necessary for a good behavior. Puppies can start learning tricks since at ten to twelve weeks old. Tricks are excellent mental stimulation for dogs. it’s cool when your dog can perform a trick on command. It impresses our friends and makes us feel pretty awesome. Check out these 10 easiest tricks to teach your dog.

#1- Sit. Teaching your dog to sit is an easy trick. Start by placing a treat in front of her nose. Tell her to “Sit.” Take the treat and move it along the top of her head. Keep it a few inches away from her head. Dogs naturally move into a sitting position as they look up. Praise her and give her the treat.

Husky Sit

#2- Come. “Come,” also referred to as “recall,” is something you teach your dog for more practical reasons, such as safety. The best method to begin teaching this one is to call her before each activity, like her walk or feeding time. Reward her when she comes to you. Then switch to a leash, step back a few feet, and say “Come.” When she reaches you, give her a treat and lots of praise. Repeat.

Alaskan Malamute Run

#3- Down. Tell your dog to sit. Once in position, give her the “Down” command as you take a treat down to the floor in front of her feet. Move the treat away from her, so that she naturally lies down on the floor. After she lies down, praise her and give her the treat.

#4- Roll Over. Start your dog in the “Down” position. Tell her to “Roll over.” Place a treat in front of her nose. Move the treat around toward the back of her head. As she tracks the treat with her eyes, she should lie down and roll over. Praise her and give her the treat. Using a slightly sloped area might help with this trick.

#5- Play Dead. Tell her “Down.” Show her a treat. Give her a verbal cue, such as “Play dead” or “Bang.” Gently roll her on her side. Say “Stay.” After a few seconds, give her a treat and lots of praise.

#6- Shake Paws. Show your dog the treat. Tell her to “Sit.” After she sits, tell her to “Shake.” Gently pick up her front paw and shake it. If she sits still, allowing you to shake her paw, give her the treat. Soon, she will freely give you her paw to shake.

#7- High Five. Say “Sit.” Then, tell her to “Shake,” a few times. Turn your hand, palm facing your dog. Tell her “High five.” If she touches your hand with her paw, praise her and give her the treat. Like with shaking paws, this trick is incredibly easy to teach.

#8- Bring the Leash. Ready to take your dog out for a walk? Teach her to fetch the leash! This is another trick you can use after you teach her to associate the word leash with her actual leash.

#9- Fetch. Catch your dog’s attention with a toy. Tell her “Fetch” and toss the toy a few feet away. If she picks up the toy and brings it back, then praise her and give her at treat. Not all dogs pick this up right away. The key is to get her interested in her toys and playtime.

#10- Leave It. Place a treat in your hand. Show your dog the treat. Close your hand over the treat. Tell her to “Leave it.” Once she stops trying to get to the treat, praise her and give her the treat. Start over again. Work up to setting the treat down on the floor and teaching her to leave it there. Use a tastier treat, like a piece of chicken, to reward her for leaving it alone.

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