Have you ever thought that your pet acts like a human sometimes? The way pets sleep, lay down, stare out the window, cover their eyes and so on, make them look as if they were humans sometimes. Whomever has a pet, already knows that there is nothing like the way your dog looks at you when you are eating, and if they could speak, they would say: “How heartless are you for not giving me some?” I can say that because of their facial expression. Well trust me the pictures you will see below are far more than just a facial expression. Enjoy…
1- “So this is how you do it, or do I need to take some classes to be able to play the way you do?”
2- Oh hey there smart pants. What are you reading Wall Street Journal, or the Washington Post?
3- This is so me during my weekends. All I care about is a good movie, some junk food, and I am good to go. I bet most of you can relate to this also.
4- “… and please can I get extra cheese on my burger, and some extra ties too? Or you know what, make them double ma’am!!”
5- “Ok grandpa you have got to teach me how you do this, because I can’t understand a thing…”
6- “Since my daddy knows that I love barbecue, he decided to build me my own. Now I can have grilled peanuts, almonds, and chestnuts anytime I want too…”
7- “They said I look like I doll, so I decided to see if they were right. Not really liking it, but at least I proved my doubts. Genius right?”
8- “Ain’t nobody can do this better than me. I am telling you baby I am the mannnn!”
9- ” So this is what our weekends look like. What do you think fella, am I too cool for you or NAH?” 😛
10- “I have seen mommy doing this, and since she is on a trip, I am doing it for her!”
Source: Diply