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10 Hilarious reactions dogs have about cats

When dogs see cats for the first time, they have the most hilarious reactions. I guess they don’t understand what a cat is, so they try to figure out what the fluffy four-legged new family member is. Some of the dogs like these cats, others can’t stand them not even for a short second. If you have ever experienced a similar situation live, then you know that both animals don’t know how to react for one another! In the following pictures/videos you will understand better what I am trying to say!
1- “When I first saw her, I thought she was one of us. But she was so cruel to me because she slapped me in the face. Thats when I understood she was another weird creature.”


2- “You kinda look like a little tiny puppy. Well now that I felt your fluffy coat I am sure that you are a little dog! Welcome to our family buddy!”


3- “Who are you, what are you, and why are you laying down on my back. Get off me you weirdo!”


4- “I came by to be friends with you. And all you did was trying to scare me, and make me run away. Never mind, I will never be friends with you anyways!”

5- “You are a cute white dog. You look a little bigger than me, but we are still the same am I right?

6- “Looks like I will never find out what this is crazy creature standing next to me.”


7- “So are you going to tell me your name, or are we going to play like this all day?”

8- “Who do you think you are? Get of that chair right now!”

9- “Hey I was messing with you stop being so rude!”

10- “Is this what us two are going to do together because I like it!” 

Source: BuzzFeed

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