It is truly heartbreaking when you see or hear about senior dogs that spend they life in shelters and never got the chance to enjoy the affection that a family can give.
But lucky still exist people out there that do care about this cases, and are more than willing to adopt them and make them part of their life despite their age.
These are 10 of the oldest dogs that were adopted.
#1 His face expression says it all…
#2 This beauty is 10 years old and has no lower canines…still she looks stunning.
#3 The 11 year old dog that this girl adopted has some pretty good dancing moves. Bonus!
#4 This cutie was adopted at age 14. Amazing!
#5 This wonderful man is the dad of 10 senior dogs.
#6 This is sweet one-eyed Pomeranian that was adopted at age 11.
#7 This 14 years old dog accompanied her 76 old owner everywhere until she passed way. After that she ended up in the shelter until this nice lady adopted her.
#8 This 9 year old Bulldog was rescued recently from a high kill shelter, and he can not be happier.
#9 This 14 year old Shih Tzu now was adopted at age 11.
#10 This big guy here was 11 years old when he got adopted. He just celebrated his one year adoption. Yayy…