The excitement of bringing a new pet home comes also with a feeling of anxiety. You wonder while holding the newest member of the family at the doorstep ready to go inside if they will adapt with the buddies that are already home. Mostly the introduction goes well enough for the new one to feel comfortable since the first day.
Even those who experience rocky beginnings at first in the end become the best of friends. Scroll the photos to see by yourself.
#1 Hi there…wanna play?
#2 What is happening? Get him off please!
Oh well he is not as bad as I thought…
#3 Ahh …is this the sweetest thing ever or what?
#4 OMG I just want to eat you up!
#5 We need some privacy people. Go away!
#7 Cuteness overload…
#8 What are you looking at huh?
#9 Look what we got here… welcome to the family little one.
#10 Did someone forget to tell me I had a baby?