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10 Pet owners confess the story of their life; you’ll definitely relate to them.

When you own a pet, shortly you realize that your pet is probably the most important thing you have in life. There is no need for lies, or exaggerations because all of us who own a pet, know the important role these creatures play in our lives. I am so glad these pet owners decided to be sincere about their feelings, and while some of these confessions will make you laugh your heart out, others will make you cry. So lets see what pet owners think about their pets.
1- “I Kiss My Cat More Than I Kiss My Boyfriend”

2-“Whenever I Meow Back To My Cat, I Always Wonder If I Insulted Him”

3- “Whenever I take a photo of my dog, I show her. Just so she knows how beautiful she is. 

4- “I feel so sorry for people who don’t have dogs. I hear they have to pick up their own food if they drop it on the floor.” 

5- “I have middle names for my cats, and I use their full names when they are in trouble.”

6- “Sometimes I just want to block out the world and text my dog. He gets it.”

7- “I cancel plans with people because I would rather spend time with my dog.”

8- “My dog saved my life”

9- “I Talk To My Dog As If I Was Expecting A Reply”

10- “I let my boyfriend because he abused his dog. I also left with the dog”Source: RantPets

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