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Here Are 10 Photos As Prove That Dogs And Cats Can Be Best Buddies

Just the idea of having a dog and a cat in the same room somehow disturbs us. Maybe because we always imagine the worse scenario. We think that they will end up chasing, hurting or fighting one another. That they only concern will be who has more ground in the house.
But animal world is not always as predictable as we think it is. The way they act around one another can surprise us. And to prove us wrong here are 10 photos that show how a cat and a dog can certainly be the best of friends.

#1 A cat spooning with a dog. Now this is special!

#2 They support and are there even during difficult times.

#3 The love is in the air. This two are so cute!

#4 There is no need for words here…Simply adorable!

#5 Looks like that kitten is looking for friend to play with.

#6 Sharing the love…

#7 Ogh ogh, you again? How many times have I told not to climb up hear!

#8 That cat sure knows how to be a hat too. lol!

#9 That looks so comfortable. Sweet dreams sweetie.

#10 I love being small…everyone carries me around. Yayy for me!

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