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These 10 pictures prove that huskies can sleep absolutely everywhere… Lol

At some point I think that Huskies have some genetic connection to Panda’s because these two species look so much alike in so many things. They are both a lot silly, they are both truly hungry all the time, and they both can sleep everywhere. In this post you will see 10 pictures of different Huskies sleeping all over the place just because they can. Some of these places or sleeping positions seem so uncomfortable but oh well looks like that is just my opinion. No matter what these dogs still remain one of my favorites because they make me laugh everytime I see one. They are too charismatic and happy all the time, and that is just what a good dog needs to have…

1- Looks like sleeping on the floor with, and using a teddy bear as a pillow is the way to go for this little fella… 

2- This adventurer loves snuggling with his picnic blanket and breathing the fresh air of the nature… 

3- I bet he is dreaming about all the yummy food he is having right after he is up from his comfy nap. 

4- Yes that is how this big fella loves to sleep. Looks like he is enjoying it and that is all that matters… 

5- You can tell that he loves snow to death… 

6- This little dude is taking a quick comfy nap on his mommy’s desk, while she gets done with her errands…

7- Who said dogs don’t like to snuggle up and take a comfortable, human alike nap? 

8- I think that basket is a little too small for a dog like you, but who am I to judge you really…

9- Yasss little baby… Shove up against that door, and let no one enter the house, at least not until you are done with your weird nap… 

10- Taking a nap in the stairs? DONE!!! 

Source: Buzzsharer

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