Did you knew that having a dog around at your office actually reduces the pressure caused from work. If you want to be able to do so there are some MUST rules you should follow. This tips are very useful, especially for those whom have employees under their supervision and have to make sure everything goes under they watch.
#1 Always make sure that your co-workers are fine with having a dog around. It is good to talk to everyone if your dog is welcomed there or not because there are people with allergies or even phobias.
#2 Check your insurance and make sure you are covert. As well as you might think you know your dog, you never know how he might react in a new environment, around other pets or people. Even the friendliest dog in the world can have a moment of aggressivity if he feels uncomfortable.
#3 Designate a certain day in the week that it is more convenient for you and your colleges to have a dog around. As much fun as that is, when you have a busy day at work and need to be focused on getting things done, having a dog around can be to much.
#4 Even if the work environment has a very open dog policy, you should always set some ground rules for where dogs are allowed to wander and which spaces they are banded from.
#5 Set a limit number of pets allowed per day. It is one thing having just one dog around and another going to work just to find five dogs making a total mess and distracting everybody from doing their work.
#6 Be opened to any complains employees might have. Maybe having a dog around helps some do a better job but might make others less productive. There should be a pet committee where whom ever has something to say can follow up with the dog’s owner.
#7 Make sure the space where dogs will wander at work it per-proofed. There are so many cables, cords, trash bins, that can compromise your pet’s safety.
#8 Never ever bring a sick pet at work. If they have symptoms that indicate he might be getting something, keep him home.
#9 As much as well behaved your dog might be, they always have to be supervised. If you have to many appointments, meetings or a deadline, probably is not the best day to bring your dog in.
#10 Make sure your dog behaves well when in company of other pets. We would not want them to cause a scene at work.