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10 Signs that your spoiled pets are getting spoiled more and more every day…

When you decide to get a pet, you totally dedicate to it. Once you get it, it is not a pet anymore but your baby. A baby for whom you would do anything to see him/her healthy, happy, and smiley all the time. Even though our pets have everything a pet could possibly need; a shelter, food, and love, still we somehow struggle to make their life as happy as it can be. For the most part we have no idea how to treat our beloved pets, but all we know is that we want to see them the happiest they can be, and that is why we spoil them more than we should. Spoiled pets become really needy. They want to have attention all the time, and their wishes become our responsibilities little by little. But let me tell you this, for the most part I love the idea that our spoiled pets are the way they are. If you don’t know still whether you have a spoiled pet, then the following 10 signs will let you know…

1- You have already thrown the ball over 193048 times, but still your little pooch wants to play. You do as he/she wishes because they are your babies right? 

2- When you start scratching that belly and then stop, and your pet gives you side-eyes so you have to continue what you were doing until advised otherwise. 

3- When your pet fall asleep on top of you, and you cant move a muscle because you can’t interrupt that cute nap they are taking… 

4- When your dog interrupts you while you are working, but you say nothing or do nothing because they are allowed to do whatever they like… 

5- When you don’t want to take them for a walk, but they come in your face and stare at you so closee… 

6- When they start destroying everything you own, and instead of yelling you start taking pictures instead because your pet is the cutest pet in the world. 

7- When they mess up with your personal belongings but you have no guts to punish them because you love them so much…

8- When your pet takes more than half of the bed, and you say nothing or do nothing because they feel so comfortable in their zone and don’t want to be disturbed…

9- When you literally start feeding them just because you want to make your relationship even stronger than what it already is…

10- When you pick them up whenever they want to get in bed. Even though you know they can do it yourself, you feel more than happy to help…

Source: Buzzfeed

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