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10 Signs you are a little bit obsessed with your dog

Getting a dog is a great achievement for a person, especially when you live alone. That means that the dog is going to be your everything from the moment you get it. Whoever has a dog, knows that living with a dog is the most beautiful experience in the world. Your dog can make you mad, then they make you laugh out laud all of the sudden. They can make you happy with their attitude, but at the same time you can get sad every time they feel bad. All these different situations get you a little bit closer with your little beloved friends day after day until you get obsessed with them. Your world literally revolves around your dog, and there is nothing a person can do to change that. If you want to test your obsession with your dog, then you might wanna take a look at the following signs that prove wether you are obsessed with your dog, or not.
1- You are obsessed with your dog if this is your favorite flag in the whole world. 

2- You are obsessed with your dog if you wanna stay as much with them as you can. 

3- You are obsessed with your dog if this is how you look everyday. 

4- You are obsessed with your dog if you talk to them as if they were a real person. 

5- You are obsessed with your dog if you sing them non-existed, just-made-up songs. 

6- You are obsessed with your dog if you ever considered of getting a bed like this. This way you both could sleep in the same bed everyday. 

7- You are obsessed with your dog if you are too excited to give them their Christmas present. 

8- You are obsessed with your dog if you remember the little details about them. 

9- You are obsessed with your dog if you never get angry for more than 5minutes with them. 

10- You are obsessed with your dog if you have a secret language with each-other. 

Source: Buzzfeed

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