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10 Things All Husky Owners Must Know

Huskies are a beautiful breed,athletic, intelligent, independent and more importantly very friendly. To enjoy their company even more you have to give them time to know you. This time serves you well too, to understand better your huskies character.
Here is a list with 10 things you have to learn and never forget about them.

#1 If they jump on you when you come home, is all because of joy. They just can not contain themselves.

#2 Be patient with him…

#3 They are very good at keeping secrets. You can trust them!

#4 Don’t be hard on them. Even when they make mistakes is not like they do them on purpose.

#5 I know I have fur to keep me warm and all…but we both know is not the same as a nice warm heated room.

#6 They are good listeners. Talk to them.

#7 They will love you to eternity as long as you are good to them.

#8 Take time out of your day to play with them…

#9 Take him to play out on the park, this way he makes new friends.

#10 Give them a sweet treat once in a while. Everyone loves a good meal.

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