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10 Things your dog does when he wants to tell you something

Since dog can’t talk, they have to find different ways of communicating with their human. The communications therefore is done through the body language. If you are not very familiar with body language regarding dogs, then I have tried to give you a hand in here. I cannot say that everything written here is 100% accurate 100% of the time. Remember everything depends on the dog breed, and on the relationship you have with your pooch. Overall her are 10 things your dog does when he wants o tell you something!

#1- Eye starring! 

Eyes string stands for affection and love. If your dog does this very often, then you are one lucky owner. affection
#2- Lay down on your bed! 

That doesn’t have nothing to do with the fact that your bed is very comfortable. Is just that your pooch wants to be with you! 

be with you

#3- Destroying your furniture! 

There are two main reasons that lead your dog in a situation like this; either anxiety, or boredom. So try to provide your puppy a comfort zone! bored: or anxiety

#4- Lay down on you! 

This is your dogs way of cuddling with you! So every-time your puppy coms forward like this, don’t hesitate to give him or her some big hugs, and kisses. They truly deserve them! 

#5- Bring you stuff! 

Most of the time dogs bring you toys, so you can start playing a fun game together. At other times, when dogs don’t want to play, they bring you stuff as if they are giving you a give. It is their way of thanking you for everything! 

#6- Raise the front paw! 

Usually dogs do this when they are trying to focus on something and you are standing right there if front of them! 

#7- Watching you leaving! 

This is their way of saying that they are very sad you are leaving the house! 

#8- Shrink themselves! 

This means that our dog is scared, of feels guilty for doing something wrong! 

#9- Yawn! 

IT could be cause out of: sleep, boredom, stress. 

#10- Tongue flicking!

This means your dog doesn’t feel comfortable in an unfamiliar environment, or with unfamiliar people!

Source: Diply

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