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10 Thoughts Your Dog Has Definitely Had

Dogs have their own opinions, we all now that. Since they can not speak human they sure find ways to give us a piece of their mind. As we always say, some gestures speak more loudly than words ever could. And common, aren’t you a little bit curious to know what your dog is thinking? Here we have some assumptions of what those thoughts might be. Take a look.

#1- I know I am cute.. now get over it! You are annoying me.

#2- Finally a piece of fruit for a change. I bet you don’t like to eat the same thing every day so why should I?

#3- I am playing with my favorite toy…what more could I ask for!

#4- It wasn’t me..I SWEAR!

#5- Aww that feels good…keep going, me like it.

#6- Hey slow down…It is supposed to be a walk in the park not a freaking marathon.

#7- O no, not again. Just stop it will you?

#8- How do I look? Is it to much?

#9- I can be very aggressive when I don’t get what I want…

#10- You love me right?…Cause I sure love you so so much.

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