Nowadays exist more than 340 dog breeds all around the world. 340 is such a big number, and that mens that we will never be able to encounter most of these breeds. We cannot learn all the breeds that exist nowadays, and that is why we are usually stuck with the usual, cliche breeds; Pit bull, Husky, Labrador and so on so fourth. In this post we will introduce you with 14 the weirdest dog breeds from all around the world. From what we know, if you want to have one of the following pooches, then you might as well want to pay a pretty penny to their breeders. After you are done reading all 14 breeds, tell us if you had any knowledge whatsoever for any of them.
#1- Caucasian Ovcharka: This furry friend is one of the oldest living member of the Caucasian Mountain dog family.
#2- Estrela Mountain Dog: These beautiful sheep dogs originate in Portugal. They were originally bred to protect herds from roaming wolves.
#3- Caucasian Ovcharka (Shepherd Dog): This furry giant is one of the oldest living members of the Caucasian Mountain breed, but also one of the most popular. They are often known as Georgian mountain dogs.
#4-Hovawart: This is a German dog breed and its name means “an estate guard dog.” “It originated in the Black Forest and has a history that extends back to medieval times, according to drawings and paintings from that period.”
#5- Kle Kai: A rare breed of Japanese dogs, also known as Tiger Dogs, and they say that Kle Kai is the most ancient and pure dog bred that comes from Japan.
#6- Lancashire Heeler: These dogs resemble a mix between a Doberman and a Corgi and were originally bred in England to drove and herd cattle.
#7- Mudi: Another rare herding dog, but this time from Hungary.
#8- Pumi: Related to the Hungarian Mudi breed above, the two were separated in the 1930s, the Pumi being the stronger terrier breed of the two.
#9- Russian Toy: These are one of the smallest dogs in the world and the Russian variation of the English Toy Terrier.
#10- Spanish Mastiff: This huge dog originates in Spain and was bred as a livestock guard dog.