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10 Weird things all dogs do!

Dogs are super weird! I think we all agree in here! There is no doubt that we love them, and appreciate them, but this is a fact! We cannot deny the fact that our dogs act all weird at times! Here is a list with funny, and super weird things our dogs do!
1- Bath Crazines

Dogs act all weird before, and after they take a bath! They act crazy, or want to run away from the bathroom as soon as they understand that they are about to take a bath!

2- They hump everything!

When dogs are a few months old, they start humping everything! They start with their toys, our feet, or the bed!

3- Weird sleeping!

Sometimes when our dogs see dreams they start acting all crazy! Looks like a nightmare because they start barking, and running, and destroying everything that’s near them!

4- Rolling around!

We take dogs for a walk at the neighbor and the next thing we know is our dogs rolling around the ground! Possibly they scratch their belly into something stinky and dirty!

5- They provide a bathroom audience!

Admit it! There are a few times when we use the bathroom, and our dogs can’t help it, but watch closely everything we do! They are just too curious they can’t help it!

6- Butt dragging!

It is like a funny game to your silly dog! They act all weird around the house by dragging their butt! Be careful if you see your dog doing this way too often, then you might wanna check with your Vet!

7- Sniff each-other!

Whenever you have a company for your dog, you start seeing some unpleasent actions going on! Your dog might start sniffing the other dog’s but, just because they want to!!

8- Starring all the time!

They stare like all the time! No matter what you do, no matter what you say your weird dog will stare at you!

9- Weird sneezing!

They sneeze in the weirdest way possible! They are all too cute, yet weird at the same night!

10- Going on circles!

To them is such a funny game! To us is just some weird circling around the house! They are all weird, but we still love them!

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