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11 Dogs Who Are More Photogenic Than You!

Same as some people are more photogenic than other, same things happens with dogs as well. Some of them look always beautifully adorable on every single picture taken while others fail terrible trying.
Scroll down to see some pictures of dogs that might or might not be photogenic. That is up to you to decide…

#1 Watch it man, you almost blind me with that light!

#2 He’s trying to look as cute as possible on this pose…Did he got it right?

#3 Did someone gave him whiskey instead of water before taking this shot? Just wondering!

#4 Well this is what happens when you try way to much to be adorable.

#5 Where are you taking me human huh, cause this looks suspicious.

#6 Leave me alone man, I can no more bare you talk baby language to me. I’ve had it!

#7 When you can not contain your excitement, even for a moment to take a decent picture.

#8 When you are smiling but everybody keeps telling you to smile. The result is this confused look.

#9 You can not even take a nap in peace now days. There are paparazzi everywhere!

#10 Do I look sexy or what…

#11 This dog who thought they were all going to make a funny face for this photo and then looked back at the last second and realized he was the only one doing it:

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