Animals can’t perceive the world same as we do. They have to live life like the others teach them, and they have to act based on what they are supposed to do. I totally agree that sometimes they just do things their own way, but that is not always the case. Do you know that there are real-life trust issues for animals? They can’t understand things very well sometimes, and they are scared of what’s about to come. The struggle is real for the, and that is why they need to know that everything is safe and cool. Otherwise they get truly scared when things don’t go as planned. In the following pictures you will see 12 animals with real-life trust issues. They are too funny to watch. Enjoy:
1. Now that this cat had the first bath, she is never trusting her mommy ever again.
2. “Come on man! What are you doing in there? Cant you see that I am about to get an infract on here? Seriously we need to get down ASAP”
3. This is the face they make when they find out you were messing with their feelings the whole time. Ouch…
4. Whoever owns a cat (I DO) knows that they want you all to yourself. There is no way you can pet another cat. NO WAY
5. This is a really cautious dog that wants to make sure everything is all good before taking a step.
6. They know they are not at the park, only and only when they see that they are sitting is a giant desk.
7. “Can someone please explain what is this suspicious white thing standing in the middle of the room?”
8. “How can I be sure that a Good Boy is as good as the others say?”
9. This is such a cute parental guiding for the little puppy that can’t go down the stairs by itself.
10- I wander what did this lady do to deserve that look.
11. “Are you seriously dumb enough to get fooled by that game?”
12. You will never know….
Source: Dilpy