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13 Reasons Having A Dog Is Easier Than Being In A Relationship

Here are 13 reasons why having a dog is better and easier than being in a relationship. We are not telling that being in a relationship is something wrong but having a dog is amazing…
#1- You don’t need to tell your dog where you are and who you’re with…

#2- Dog food can be relatively cheap, you don’t need to visit expensive restaurants..

#3- Your dog won’t lecture you over a miscommunication that shouldn’t have become an argument but is now an argument.

#4- Dogs don’t get upset when you’re accidentally wearing the same thing.

#5- Dogs don’t have high expectations for their birthdays.

#6- Your dog doesn’t mind if you hang out with other dogs.

#7- You don’t have to meet your dog’s parents, or deal with crazy in-laws..

#8- Your dog is free for a date exactly when you are..

#9- Dogs are loyal.

#10- You won’t ever have to take care of your obnoxiously drunk dog.

#11- Your dog will not stay before the mirror and let you wait for hours.

#12- Your dog doesn’t have jealous exes.

#13- Your dog will be always happy to see you, even when you are late or tired to play with him.. 

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