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2015 was really great especially for these dogs

2015 is almost over and I believe it has been quiet a ride for everybody. Each year life changes for all of us, while bringing new things and creatures in everybody’s lives. I am not speaking only for humans, we all know that pets lives change everyday. Well since this year is almost over, I truly believe that we need to remember some of the greatest moments for some of the luckiest dogs out there. While reading what happened with the following 10 dogs in this year, i felt happy. I am glad that these creatures have had a second chance at life. They really needed it!
1- 2015 Was a really great year for this very talented dog who amazed the world with his skills.

2- Looks like this dog has had the best time of the year, all year long. I guess that is worth celebrating for right? 

2- It was a really great year for the dog who learned how to smile for the camera. It is not that easy buddy so we really applaud you! 

4- It was a really great year for this service dog who went to Disneyland for the first time. I bet he had the best time ever with all the animated movie characters. 

5- It was a really great year for this little Corgi that learned how to swim. His life will be filled with beach adventures during summer 2016. Great job little buddy!

6- It was a really great year for all the dogs who have the chance to lives with the most humble person ever. The person who built the dog train for all stray dogs. 

7- It was a great year for the Bounce; the correspondent dog who gave everyone love advices in BBC.



8- It was a great year for this big family. All these pets are happily living with each-other, and nothing could ever break the friendship they have build overtime. 

9- It was a really great year The 9-year-old beagle from Japan won a Guinness World Record for catching 14 balls with his front paws in just one minute.

10- It was definitely a really good year for this dog who found his forever home during 2015. 

11- It was a really good year  for the blind Jack Russell, Glenn, and his permanent guide dog, Buzz.

12- It was a really good year for this service dog who got honored. 

13- It was a really good year for this Retriever who was the petsitter of these beautiful birds. 

Source: Buzzfeed

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