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5 Embarrassing situations dog owners go through!

We are not able to control our dogs all the time! It happens sometimes that they act very recklessly, without even thinking. I can tell you that the only thing to do, is to handle everything with a smile, and thinking that It happens to everyone! It is not unheard of that people get embarrassed from their pets, because pets are pets, and don’t use their judgment to act properly all the time!

#1- I almost cried one time when I was walking my Boxer mixed Pit-Bull dog named Tyson. He pooped in three different locations. I didn’t think such a thing would happen to me, and I had with me only one plastic bag, that I used for the first poop. For the other two I used super big leafs, and trashed it! Well shit happens sometimes!

2- What about when you have people over, everything is going very well, and suddenly your dog starts barking. He barks so loud that everyone is annoyed. You try to calm him, but nothing works. He is obsessed to something, and acts totally strange! I don’t know about you but it has happened to me, and I can tell you, I wanted to burry myself alive! The dog would not stop for anything in the world!

3- Because they have a very sense of smell, dogs love to sniff everything around them. It is so embarrassing whenever you meet someone, and your dog just occasionally starts smelling the other person. The worst part is when your dog goes for the in time parts of the other person. This is one of the most awkward situations ever!

4- It is very embarrassing when you go over to a friends apartment, and your dog makes himself way to comfortable. He feels way to excited, and pees at the beautiful rug your friend could hardly find!

5- Last but not least, stands about the terrible smell your dog launches at a cocktail party where everyone wants to have some good time! He wigs the tail to spread the smell even further, and you wish you were dead in that moment!

Source: DogVacay


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