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5 Reasons dogs run away from home!

It has happened many times when dogs run away from home. It is very confusing when you think about it because if you have a dog, and treat him like family, you expect him to stay loyal! Well it is not always like that. Dogs run away and theres nothing we can do about it. It is their decision, and they do it in a way that we cannot prevent their escape. In this post you will learn 5 reasons why dogs run away from home, and maybe be be able to prevent your dogs escape in advance!
1-Boredom or Loneliness
Dogs that are locked for many hours straight can get bored or lonely! This causes them to feel the urge to escape, and run in search of attention or entertainment. Running away most of the time makes them to feel free, and able to do anything they want to! So never leave your dogs alone for a lot of time, otherwise they will leave you!

2. They’re in an unfamiliar home or new location
Dogs love routine, familiar places, and don’t like to be somewhere they are not used to! If you change apartment make sure to work with your dog, and make him feel like home little by little!

3. Dogs are following their instinctual desires
Dogs need company. As i said before they get easily bored, and are always in search of adventures. If they feel like they don’t belong someplace, they will run away to follow their “dreams”, or in search of some dog company!

4. They are reacting to a frightening sound or situation
When dogs are confronted with scary loud noises such as thunder, loud beeping or fireworks, they may feel the need to escape just to get away from the scary sound!

5. There’s access to an easy escape
If there is a gate or fence that is low enough to jump over, broken enough to fit through or easy enough to open, chances are your dog will try and escape. Make sure to check around your backyard, secure it, and make sure your dog cannot escape!

Source: Dogvacay

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