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5 signs that your dog does not feel good

We are sure that nobody wants to see his pet in pain and it is the biggest fear of every dog owner. Whether is a small injury, we want to help them in any way we can. Usually gods show their pain by crying but not in all cases people understand what is happening to them. Dogs are not human so they do not have language like us to speak. In order to help them we have to learn their language. Dogs display their pain in certain actions and behaviors. We are not experts but we can show you 5 symptoms that will help you determine whether or not your little friend is in pain.

#1- Excessive grooming

Naturally dogs lick and groom themselves in order to be clear but it is a problem when licking and grooming becomes an obsessive behavior. When dogs start to lick and groom a certain area of their body that you hadn’t noticed before or has just recently started spending more time there, it could be a sign of pain. Usually dogs groom places that cause them pain in order to clean and care for the wound. Be sure to keep an eye on that area! He might be in pain!

#2- Heavy Panting

Panting is normal behavior that dog owners are not surprised to see on their pet. Even if the panting is heavy, certain circumstances allow for it such as hot weather and much exercise. But if you notice heavy panting in their everyday life, it can be caused from a lot of stress. This might mean that your dog is stressed because he is experiencing pain. In order to be sure you should visit your veterinarian.

#3- In appetence

You don’t have a lot of appetite when you are not well, do you? Our dogs don’t either. They do not feel like eating especially when they are in a lot of pain. If you notice any sort of in appetence, you should seek your veterinarian because this can be a sign of many dangerous illnesses.

#4- Shyness & Aggression

If your dog becomes antisocial, avoids petting and had stopped running to the door full of enthusiasm when people come then you should be worried.  He may cry when you want to play with him or doesn’t want you to pick him up anymore. These symptoms might be a result of pain. If you notice that your little one becomes aggressive when people are round and he is hiding away then you should absolutely visit your veterinarian. Your dog may find a lot of different ways to express his pain, even with aggression.

#5- General behavior changes

Besides these signs you might have noticed that your dog has difficulties walking, jumping, claiming and generally exercising and playing his favorite sports. Dogs that usually are in pain lay only flat on their sides, rather than curled up in  the beds. They are slower moving and sleeping more than they use to. Another sign is unexpected accidents in the house. They are weak to get up from lying down and they avoid defending themselves.  All these things can be result that your dog is in pain. Being able to identify the signs we can prevent our dog illness. Prevention is the solution! Please take care of your little friend, they really deserve it! If they are in pain we are in pain too and if they are happy we are happy too!

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