Winter is a difficult season, for you and your dogs. For some Winter is considered to be fun and entertaining, yet others consider it dangerous and exhausting. In this article i want to give you some tips on how to keep your dogs safe through the freezing season.
1- Avoid thin ice
Very often throughout the cold weather we have heard stories of dogs that needed to be rescued from icy waters. Usually it looks like fun, but to slide across the frozen reservoir it’s not always such a good idea. Most of the times icy waters are very thin, and ice can easily crack. Therefore you and your dog could fall in the icy water. Slipping on ice most of the times could cause muscle twist and other serious injuries.
2- Clean your dog’s paws
In Winter the streets of your city are covered with different de-icing substances. Some of these substances are sodium chloride (Rock Salt,) and calcium chloride (Salt of calcium and chloride.) These substances are safe for pedestrians because they clean the sidewalks from the ice, but dangerous for your dog’s paw pads. Make sure to clean your dogs feet after the walk. It is highly recommended for you to use warm water, and if you think that the paw pads are dry, use some moisturizer to make the experience less painful.
3- Watch out for antifreeze
Not everyone is aware of how dangerous antifreeze is. Just a little teaspoon of antifreeze could cause kidney failure. Most of the time antifreeze is green color ethylene glycol, but it comes in several different colors. Wen taking your dog out for a walk, watch out where your dog is sniffing. The signs that your dog might have swallowed it are: vomiting, uncontrolled thirst, drunken appearance, and drooling. If you have any doubts that your dog has swallowed antifreeze, remember to keep your dog safe and take it to the vet ASAP.
4- Consider your pets age
Just like humans, dogs immune system is sensitive to cold weather, so keep in mind to keep your dog safe. When the temperatures outside are going crazy, then your pets age is more than just a number. Very young and very old dogs have a hard time regulating body temperature, so they find it extremely difficult to adjust to extreme changes in weather. Walks in the snow are way too much for their delicate health. So keep in mind fellas, if it’s way too cold out there; keep your puppies and your oldsters indoors as much as you can.
5- Bundle up
I know most dogs have a coat of their own, which keeps them warm. But how would you feel if you would go out in a blizzard with just a light jacket? That’s what you should be thinking about your dog also. If you own a small, delicate, and short-haired dog, then make sure to have a well-deserved winter wardrobe for it. This way you will keep your dog safe from the cold weather, and you can have a little fun of your own dressing your dog with funny clothes.