1- Medications
Never give your dog medication unless under the direction of your veterinarian. People medications are very poisonous for your dog. Some of these dangerous drugs for your dogs are: painkillers (Advil, Ibuprofen,) anti-cancer drugs, anti-depressants, vitamins, and diet pills. It is recommended to keep them in closed cabinets cabinets, or keep them away from your dogs.
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2- Rodent poison
Dogs are very sensitive to rodent poison, and could be easily intoxicated. Most rodent poison have such a nice smell, and dogs are usually tempted from it. That is why the dogs usually eat it because they like it. Your dog could get poisoned from mouse poison. Getting poisoned makes them loose their appetite, have difficulties in moving, or get in depression.
3- Chocolate
Chocolate contains theobromine. Theobromine is toxic to dogs and other pets at certain doses. Your dog could be poisoned from one of the best things in life. It is not good for us either, but we can break the rules for “our little piece of heaven.”That is so sad that dogs cant taste Chocolate like humans do!
4- Poisonous plants
Beware of the plants you have in your backyard. Your dog could be poisoned by any of these plants, and that’s why it is required to know which these plants are. Some of the most dangerous plants are: Castor Bean, Elephant Ear, Oleander, Autumn Crocus, Bleeding Heart, Lily-of-the-Valley, Rhubarb, Black Locust, Oak trees, wild and cultivated cherries, Jasmine, Azaleas, Red Sage.
5- Household chemicals
When cleaning your house never allow your dog to access your cleaning supplies. They might look tasty, or interesting to your dogs. Swallowing chemicals could be very dangerous for your dog. Some of them could only make your stomach upset, while others could burn your dogs tongue, mouth, or stomach.