Maybe your dog is not running and playing as he used to. You are concern and you are right to be so. Every living being with the years passing by gets slower and weaker. That is life.
What we recommend in these cases is for you to adapt to his limited mobility. There are plenty of activities and plays you can still do together. Understanding their limitations is key in to keeping your dog healthy and happy.
#1 Modify your behavior and your expectations accordingly with your dog’s age and needs. We have to understand that, that once playful puppy has grown up. If you notice him having trouble moving, climbing stairs than find a way that helps him.
#2 While jumping and running can be a little to much for your senior dog in the condition he might be, taking walks it is never to much. Walking daily keeps his joints and heart healthy.
#3 Give a try to food toys or food puzzles. It is said that doing so helps keep their mind sharp. This kind of games force him to eat more slow and keep his mind engaged for an extended period of time. It is a win – win situation.
#4 Try to teach him a new trick or skill. It helps also sharpen his mind even by focusing on simple commands.
#5 The most important mental enrichment your dog could get, I would say is spending quality time with you. They need your affection more than ever.