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7 Funny dogs acting silly!

You love dogs, and there is no doubt that you will ever be mad at them at whatever they do! Sometimes they break something, but we know that they didn’t do it intentionally so we just give them a desperate look! Other times they eat our furniture, and that’s when we yell at them. Still, we can’t be mad at them for long! They are our children, and need us to take care of them! That’s why we have to admit it than when they act silly, they are still the best!
1- They give you an eye to eye look at times! Think of it as a real communication between you too! One loves the other same! Unconditionally, and endlessly!

2- Aren’t they always there for you to give you a big hug? Sometimes they just do it, but sometimes you really need that big hug don’t ya?

3- These funny dogs make sure at times that you are watching them. At times they need you to hold their hands, just because!

4- Tell me how adorable is it when they give you the “puppy look”? They just make you fall even harder in love!

5- This funny dog is sleeping like a baby in his mommy’s arms! His nap is precious, so there is no way that the human is allowed to move!

6- And everything gets even cuter, when your puppy stops whatever he is doing just to check on you! There is no way that they would like to do anything without you witnessing it first!

7- Last, but not least, there is no way we could ignore our excited funny dogs! At days they are just happy for no reason! They feel all energetic, and adventurous sometimes! The only way to understand this, is to leave a happy, relaxed, and a positive life!

Source: LoveURDogs

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