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7 Reasons why dogs are good for you!

Scientific evidence state that having a dog is very good for us. Besides the fact that dogs offer great companionship, and friendship, they can also help us improve our health. Dogs improve our lives, make us happier and healthier overall. This article will give you 7 important reasons why dogs are good for us, and how do they impact our lives.
1- Dogs boost our mood

Playing with your dog increases your brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters that are associated with pleasure and tranquility. It only takes dogs 15-30 minutes to improve your mood, and make you feel relaxed and happy!

2- Better than medicine

Dog owners have been found to have lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, fewer heart attacks, and according to a study by the British Journal of Health (2004), dog owners also fewer medical problems than those without pets.

3- Dogs Help You Stay Active

The Journal of Physical Activity and Health (2010) concluded that dog walkers generally walked about an hour longer than their non-dog walking counterparts! Having a dog encourages you to walk more and to be more active in your daily basis!

4- Dogs help you be more social

A study by Britain’s Warwick University found that 40% of people reported making friends much easier as a result of owning a dog. Doing activities with your dog; going to the park, going to pet stores, or going to the Vet allows you to meet new people more often!

5- Dog help relieve stress

According to a study from SUNY Buffalo (2006), 240 married couples with dogs were subjected to various stressful tasks where they were either alone, with their spouse or were able to see their dog before or after the task. The lowest responses to stress were among those who were allowed to see their dogs.

6-Dogs Can Help Kids Grow Stronger

According to Science Daily, kids who grow up with dogs in the home have fewer allergies and are less likely to have eczema. These kids have fewer sick days, less stress, and are more sociable than the regular kids.

7-Dogs Can Make You a Better Person

Dogs teach us how to be more patient, loving, happier, and understandable! They teach us how to be more responsible, and less selfish!

Source: DogVacay

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