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7 Surprising Reasons Your Dog Should Sleep On Your Bed Every Night

When it comes to this topic people are divided. There are some that do not agree on letting the dog on the bed, let alone sleep with them. While there are others, that are so used sleeping with their sweetie that they literally can not fall asleep without them.
On this article we are going to talk about 7 surprising reasons why sleeping with your dog is actually good for us. Who knows, maybe we will get to change the mind of those sceptics out there that believe otherwise.

#1 Having them sleeping next to you, feeling their warm body and balanced breathing gives us comfort, making us feel very cozy.

#2 Their company helps us fall asleep by making us feel calm and giving us a feeling of safety as well.

#3 Snuggling with your pooch is a great stress reliever. Apparently it has to do something with their positive outlook towards life itself.

#4 We all should welcome the natural warmth of our pups on cold winter nights when we crawl on our beds.

#5 Dogs help people fight depression with their unconditional love and adoration towards us, the owners.

#6 Somehow it gives you the sense of safety knowing that someone is watching over you while you are sleeping.

#7 Leaving our selves aside for a second, we’d say that is beneficial for your dog as well. Allowing them to spend more time besides the person they totally adore makes them happy. Seems like this sleep arrangement works wonders for both parts.

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