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9 Awkward Things That Dogs Do

Dogs can behave really strange sometimes. It does not matter how much we reap our mind to understand why they do the things they do, we can not find any logic explanation behind it. It seems like dog brain can be as complex and inexplicable as the humans brain at certain occasions.
There is no way that you have not experienced one of the awkward things mentioned below  that dogs do with no reason why.

#1  The times when they sit right on your feed in the most inadequate moments ever.

#2  It does not matter how much time you have spent to train her/him…they still manage to find the worst time to take a poop.

Cleaning after dog in the kitchen

#3 Dogs literally show up in the room when you are having an intimate moment with your partner and ruin the mood. They stare at you with an judgemental look that frankly, it is hard to ignore…

#4 And there are cases in which they decide to join you in on said intimate moments. I mean common…are you joking me?

#5 Dogs think it is a good idea to stash their favorite treats in your bad and his is what happens when you share your bad with your dog.

#6 You know how dogs like to snuggle inside our drawers just for the fun of it. There you are drinking wine and laughing with your friends when all of a sudden your pup shows up with a pair of torn up underwear on his head and starts to run around the house.

#7 They start cleaning and licking themselves from head to toe in the most inopportune possible moment.

#8 Dogs will be dogs! The times when you just have come out of the shower and before you know it, your dog jumps out of nowhere kissing and licking you everywhere. Not the best of times to share love.

#9 Despite all the things they do at the end of the day they still have the power over us no matter what. We can not help it, they are so freaking adorable.

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