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9 Times dogs proved their high IQ. You will die laughing

Have you ever thought that dogs are really smart sometimes? They can surprise you, when you least expect it trust me. If you have a dog, you might have notice that when they want, they IQ goes up to the sky. And when they don’t want to impress no one,  well you all know what happens LOL. In the following pictures, and videos, you will see some dogs proving us all their high IQ which might be impressive. See for yourself!
#1- That one times when this dog really knew how to convince his friend by playing dead! 

#2- When this adorable smiley dog showed the world that everything has beauty. We just have to open our eyes and see it! 

#3- What about that one time when this dog doesn’t know how to Jump over the hedge? 

#4- When this cool Corgi shows his friends that in order to be great you have to be different! 

That face expression best shows what his buddy had in mind! 

#5- When these two cute faces realize that they are not going to the dog park. Instead they came out to pay the Vet a visit. It has been so long right? 

#6- When this smart Newfoundland takes the chance, and enjoys the moment! 

#7- Have you ever seen this buddy showing the whole world how one can climb a really high fence? Watch and learn y’all! 

#8- He still doesn’t realize the difference between the curtain, and the window. Funny right? 

#9- This puppy gives us a valuable lesson. Don’t wait for your wishes to come true, make them happen! 

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