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About last night this is how these 10 dogs feel

This is a funny version of hungover Sundays from ours dogs point of view. You know these dogs had a little too much water during the weekend, and all of the sudden they all went crazy.  They partied hard with each other, and next thing they know is this: 😛
1- “Me gots a new bae, and me think she is the pweetiest you guys. I have to admit that I am in love already.” 

2- “Hangovers feel so much better when I share them with you my love. Unfortunately I think it is time for me to go now. They can’t see us together.”

3- “Can we please keep this a secret between us? This is such a shame I can’t really tell nobody. OH GOSH I AM NEVER DRINKING SO MUCH WATER AGAIN.”

4- “Hey listen, what happens in the couch stays in the couch are we clear?” 

5- “I still can’t believe it that I lost my control the other night. This is so embarrassing, and I am to ready for this day to start. I need a little bit of time to reflect on myself, and my decisions. Poor poor decisions.” 

6- “Did we really cuddled last night? Is this really happening? Can someone please tell me how did I end up in here? This is just a nightmare. This can’t be real.”

7- “Oh sweet Lord what have I done. Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes? Why do I have to mess up with thee wrong canine every single time?”

8- These three guys are still sleeping, and they have no idea what has happened in the meantime. We hope they have a pleasant morning. 

9- “Oh can you please get your hand off me?? I am not your lover buddy. This is a huge mistake.” 

10- “OH my got Lia is that you? What have we done? Please tell me this is not what it looks like.”

Source: Barkpost

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