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10 Adorable Encounters With Wildlife You’ll Be Extremely Jealous Of

If the forest is near your house than probably you have had your first meet with a woodland creature. It must feel nice to wake up in the morning and see a white tailed deer or a red fox in your front yard. Almost magical!
Some of this pictures remind me ‘Bambi’ the cartoon movie. And I will admit, I am little bit jealous after seeing the visitors, people living in countryside get to have.

#1 Well look who has come to visit!

#2 Don’t be shy little buddy…I won’t bite if you don’t.

#3 Someone is feeling alone…

#4 Hey…is there anyone at home?

#5 Is must be cozy up there since he is sleeping so peacfully…

#6 Sharing peaches with our newest friends…yum!

#7 Ah look at that…they are so adorable.

#8 This bear has good manners. Who knew bears were so educated…

#9 They are up to something…what can it be?

#10 May I come in?

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