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10 Animals That Can’t Get Down With Summertime

You might think that everybody likes summer. That they can not wait until winter is over to get into their bathing suits and stay in water all day. For my surprise and others out there, this kind of people do exist. They would much rather go for a hike or up in the mountains that to step one foot into the sand. Apparently even some animals could not agree more with them..
By the photos it seems like they are having a hard time excepting that the summer is right around the corner.

#1 Agh those damn crabs..

#2 I must get in shape…summer is coming!

#3 Training for that six-pack…

#4 There is no way I am going in…I just had my hair done girl!

#5 Finally air-conditioned space. I was doing out there….

#6 Oh damn it…I need my sunglasses!

#7 Epic fail!

#8 Just put me down will you? Is not like I can learn to swim up in the air…

#9 What could I have possibly done to you to deserve all these huh?

#10 Someone is having a sugar rush!

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