Since we are in March, the National Animal Poison Prevention Month (March) has kicked off. The ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) reveal that for the very first time ever, over the counter medications have become really dangerous for our pets.
“We’ve seen numerous new vitamins, herbal supplements and joint supplements hit the market over the last year, exposing more pets to these types of products, and more of these products to our pets,” said Dr. Tina Wismer, medical director of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. “Just as we recommend for prescription medications, it’s crucial that pet owners keep these potentially toxic items out of their pets’ reach and keep them behind closed doors,” Dr. Wismer advises.
In the following list, you will be able to find out the top 10 pet toxins for 2015, and I advice you to guys read carefully. You should keep your pets away from all the following products:
1- Over the Counter Medications: For the very first time in history Over the counter Medications attract the most concern this year. Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies keep producing different unnecessary products each year, and now the market has over 7,000 of them.
2- Human Prescription Medication: Do not give your pets human prescribed medications because that is highly poisonous to your companion.
3- Insecticides: Always read the labels on these products. They are really dangerous to pets.
4- Human food: A couple of human foods can result in highly dangerous to pets. These foods include the following: onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, alcohol and xylitol, a sugar substitute which can be life-threatening for animals.
5- Household Items: Different products that could be found around the house could be really dangerous to pets. In this list we include cleaning products, fire logs and paint.
6- Veterinary medications: Overdoses from veterinary prescribed medications have been a real problem for pets during the last year, so make sure you have a good Vet that cares for pets.
7- Chocolate: You all should know that chocolate is really dangerous to pets. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it can be.
8- Plants: Plants can be toxic to pets i they are kept inside the house.
9-Rodenticides: This is poisonous to pets as much as it is to mices and rats.
10- Lawn and garden products: Herbicides and fungicides should be stored. Keep all lawn and garden products out of the reach of pets.
Source: Iheartdogs